Webhook dynamic URL


Is it possible to somehow configure Webhook to send events about one particular license to changing URL? What I mean is a use case, when someone uses a laptop and logs in from different network. Something like a push notification system. Or do I have to send an update Webhook request to cryptlex api, and update this URL every time?

Also, do I need to configure as many webhooks as licenses in such use case, that client directly calls cryptlex api, without going through any centralized system.

Hi Jakub,

Webhooks are meant to be processed and consumed by some server script hosted on your servers (which means it will have a static URL).

Secondly, you must never invoke Cryptlex Web API endpoints from your client app, as that requires hard-coding an access token in your app. If your access token is compromised, all your data is compromised (which may include licenses, users etc.).

Please clarify your usecase in detail, what you want to achieve and why so we can help you solve the problem.

Well, I want to inform users that their license is nearing expiration, while they are actively using application and without using any kind of third party push notification system.

I just wanted to investigate available options.

You have two options:

1- Automated Emails: Create an automated email which listens to license.expiring-soon event. If you have created users in Cryptlex and linked users with licenses, they will receive an email informing them that their license is nearing expiration.

2- Webhooks: Write a server script which listens to license.expiring-soon webhook event and send an email to your customer in your script.

I can see that the first one should solve your problem without writing or hosting any code.

Third option:

In your app you can get the expiration date of the license using LexActivator. If the the expiration date is near enough you can show a pop-up or a permanent banner in your app which informs your customers that license is about to expire.