User Based Offline License

I have implemented the offline license feature to my program but there are more than 1 users that use the program to connect my database. So license is working program based. If I change the user, license is still active. But I want that feature to work by user based. If the user is licensed to program, if I change user to another unlicensed user, program should not be work. Can you help me about that?

Hi Eren,

That will first require an internet connection on the customer’s machine, as any change you make in the license should be reflected in the client.

I would suggest creating a new license for the new user and revoking the old one.

Actually, we are developing SAP ERP projects and we have to use SAP ERP program users for licensing mechanism. Is it possible to use SAP user based licensing with using your licensing model?

Hello @erenornek

To count a single user as an activation, you would have to set a user identifier like a SAP user ID, or email address as the fingerprint of the license using the SetCustomFingerprint() function.

You can book a call with me if you prefer to talk about your use case, I’ll be happy to help you out.