Unable to upload a release

I created a product in the new 3.x portal and I want to upload software release. Our product is OS image ~300-600MB in size and we deliver this software in several formats (i.e. iso, ova, upd, etc.), so here are the problems I have experienced:

  1. I cannot upload the file, the upload widget shows 0% progress and then times out
  2. I cannot upload more then one file
  3. I’m not sure what is the purpose of filename field and why do I need it (can the system just take file name from the upload?)
    Any help is appreciated.


The support for multiple uploads has been added.

I’m not sure what is the purpose of filename field and why do I need it (can the system just take file name from the upload?)

It’s no more needed now, as multiple file uploads are supported now. It now takes file filename from the upload.

File uploads of larger size through the browser may not succeed (due to service workers intercepting the uploads in the browser). We are looking for the solution and will keep you posted.

Large size uploads can be done through curl for the time being:


That works. Thanks :+1:.

File uploads of size upto 1GB are now supported through dashboard, upto 10 simultaneous uploads 1GB per file. For files of bigger size it is recommended to use curl.