During our test on meter attribute, we saw a few things we would like to know if its bugs or not.
LexActivator enable the incrementation of a existing meter attribute with a negative value. Its seems to be a bug because the current value count the negative incrementation but not the Gross Uses. Can you confirm ?
When the sum should be under 0, the meter attribute value will be reduce until 0. Is it an expected behaviour? Perhaps it should throw an exception error (like when we try exceed the limit) ?
Yes, Lexactivator allows incrementing the meter attribute with negative values too. Once the meter attribute is incremented or decremented the Total Uses property gets changed. It is worth noting that the Gross Uses property associated with a meter attribute serves the purpose of meticulously monitoring the cumulative usage across its entire lifecycle. It remains unaltered even in scenarios where the meter attribute count experiences decrements or resets.
LexActivator does not return any error if the Total Uses count is 0 and the meter attribute is further decremented or reset. You can use GetLicenseMeterAttributeUses() to know the Total Uses value and if it is 0 you can throw an exception.
I have another issue. When I have licence activated on my computer (LA_USER), when I try incrementing a meter attribute which doesn’t exist, LexActivator doesn’t return any exception but OK.
I don’t have the problem when I instantiate LexActivator by instance (LA_IN_MEMORY).
This behavior has been from day one, however, it is important to note that this behavior should not affect the production environment, as the correct meter attribute name would be utilized in a practical scenario. Nonetheless, during testing phases, this behavior may be misleading. To address this, we have added a check that will result in an exception being raised if the meter attribute does not exist while the LA_USER flag is in use.
The fix will be available in the forthcoming release, potentially scheduled for approximately two weeks hence.