Server sync frequency

I’ve got a question about the server sync frequency. I’ve changed this frequency from 90 days to 1 day. I’m wondering if it’s possible to have an even higher sync frequency.


24 hours is the maximum frequency you can have. If you are using a subscription model, it is better to have some tolerance in days. Say if your subscription is for 365 days, you should set the license validity to (say) 367 days, this will give your customers two days to renew the license without seeing expiry message.

In that case I might misunderstand how I should use the server sync frequency. As I understand it, when verifying a product key this is done locally with one of your libraries (C# in my case) and the server sync frequency determines how often the actual key on is checked.
In my case, my product keys don’t expire but I update a custom field once a year to indicate if product updates are allowed. The product still has to work with the product key. It’s just the updates that aren’t downloaded anymore. So, from that point of view checking once a year makes sense. But what happens when I deactivate the product key from within for whatever reason (fraud, payment failed, user has new PC). If server sync is set to one year, will this deactivation kick in after one year as well?

Yes, server side change will get reflected on your client after one year in that case. You should not set the frequency to one year anyways, set it atleast to 1 month. Server sync occurs in a separate thread so it doesn’t slow down starting time of your app.

You won’t face the issue if “user has new PC” because in that case you can use DeactivateProduct() function client side to allow your users to deactivate the product key so that key can be used on the new PC.