Save license as a file

We were using the License4J licensing system before working with Cryptlex. However, I don’t have the impression that there’s a way of saving a licence in the form of a pre-activated file that doesn’t require internet access?
This is possible with our old License4J system and we are therefore obliged to continue using it for cases where we need to place a pre-activated licence next to an executable or data to be protected.
Also it could help when the Cryoptlex server is down like it happened this morning.

Is this a use case that Cryptlex could meet?

Thank you

Hi @quadrica,

We do not support saving license as pre-activated files, however, we do support Offline Activations.

If a user doesn’t have an internet connection, they can generate an offline activation request file. This file can then be used to produce an offline activation response file through the admin portal or the customer portal.

The produced response file can then be used to activate the license within the application without internet access.

Thank you for your answer.
I know there is offline activation, and hopefully it exist, otherwise we many of our customers won’t be able to use our solution using Cryptlex.
But my question is still valid: do you think this is a use case you could provide solution for ? other than the existing offline activation which is really not easy to set up with users that have computers that are never connected to a network.

Thank you

Dear @quadrica,

Our offline activation process is designed to enable users to activate their licenses without requiring an internet connection.

This procedure only involves transferring the necessary activation files using any suitable medium, such as storage devices or via any other medium.

This ensures that users can complete the activation process seamlessly, even in environments without network connectivity.

Thank you!


I think cryptlex primarily focuses on online license management and activation but it does offer options for offline activation using a license file. You can generate and use a pre activated license file for offline scenarios though it may require some configuration. Check Cryptlex documentation or contact their support for detailed instructions on setting up offline licensing and to ensure it meets your specific needs.

Thanks :grinning: