We have tested the activation library online (also the offline version), but we have a problem when it comes to managing the license between different users. In the same machine, when activating a license, activation is associated with the user (same windows machine, multiple windows users) who executed the software. What about the other users of the machine? Its only activated for the current user?
If we change the current user after activating the product (everything ok until now), when launche the call to isGenuine() function, it returns that it has not been activated yet. In conclusion, for this other user product is not activated.
How can you handle the situation of different users on the same hardware machine? Each user must enter their own Key Product (and if its online, is necesary generate N files for offline activation?
In case you want all the users to use your app, each user needs to activate using the same key once. The same offline response can be used by other users to activate the app in their account too.
Related to this question, if we want 5 users of the same machine use the same Key Product, then we should configure this Key Product with 5 activations?
This is the right way?, configure Allowed Activations per Key to 5 in this case?
I want to inform you that you can now activate a license once for all the users on a single machine from any user account. We name such a functionality as System-Wide Activation.
For that to work, please ensure that the license is having the User-Locked property disabled or set to false.
Additionally, make sure to pass the LA_ALL_USERS flag to the SetProductId() function.
Following these steps will activate the license system-wide.
Note: The support for system-wide activations in LexActivator is available from v3.27.0 onwards and is currently supported for Windows Operating System only.