Running multiple Floating License Servers on one machine

As Floating License Server requires physical machine, there’s a case that user wants to run multiple servers on the same machine.

Because, some customers wants to use following license combination with floating license in their cloud farm:

  • 5 floating licenses of Product A with Feature X
  • 7 floating licenses of Product A with Feature Y
  • 10 floating licenses of Product A with Feature Z

In this case, our customers need to prepare 3 Floating License Servers with 3 physical machines. That would be inconvenient.
What would be a solution for this?

Or, if I use different Version GUID and different port per Floating License Server, can I install multiple servers on a same machine?

Yes, if version GUID is different you can use different server instances on different ports in the same machine. And each instance will be activated through a a separate product key.

Got it.

What’s the correct way to install multiple servers in the same machine on Windows?

LexFloatServer.exe -i
LexFloatServer.exe -a -config=LexFloat1.config -pfile=Product1.dat -pkey=xxxxx (first license key)
LexFloatServer.exe -a -config=LexFloat2.config -pfile=Product2.dat -pkey=xxxxx (second license key)
LexFloatServer.exe -a -config=LexFloat3.config -pfile=Product3.dat -pkey=xxxxx (third license key)

Is that correct way to do?

You would activate and then install:

LexFloatServer.exe -a -config=LexFloat1.config -pfile=Product1.dat -pkey=xxxxx (first license key)
LexFloatServer.exe -a -config=LexFloat2.config -pfile=Product2.dat -pkey=xxxxx (second license key)
LexFloatServer.exe -a -config=LexFloat3.config -pfile=Product3.dat -pkey=xxxxx (third license key)

LexFloatServer.exe -i -config=LexFloat1.config -pfile=Product1.dat
LexFloatServer.exe -i -config=LexFloat2.config -pfile=Product2.dat
LexFloatServer.exe -i -config=LexFloat3.config -pfile=Product3.dat

It does not seem working to me… I’m using v2.4.0 on Windows

LexFloatServer.exe -a -config=LexFloat1.config -pfile=Product1.dat -pkey=xxxxx (first license key)
LexFloatServer.exe -a -config=LexFloat2.config -pfile=Product2.dat -pkey=xxxxx (second license key)
LexFloatServer.exe -a -config=LexFloat3.config -pfile=Product3.dat -pkey=xxxxx (third license key)

LexFloatServer.exe -i -config=LexFloat1.config -pfile=Product1.dat

<-------Sucessfull until here ---->

LexFloatServer.exe -i -config=LexFloat2.config -pfile=Product2.dat <--------- this failed with “Error: Service is already installed!” message

LexFloatServer.exe -i -config=LexFloat3.config -pfile=Product3.dat

Is it working fine over there?

Additional info:

If I do it in following order, then the error happens during registering float server for Product1.
So, I believe that LexFloatServer has a bug when registering multiple services on the same machine. (Likely name or some sort of confliction?)

LexFloatServer.exe -a -config=LexFloat1.config -pfile=Product1.dat -pkey=xxxxx (first license key)
LexFloatServer.exe -a -config=LexFloat2.config -pfile=Product2.dat -pkey=xxxxx (second license key)
LexFloatServer.exe -a -config=LexFloat3.config -pfile=Product3.dat -pkey=xxxxx (third license key)

LexFloatServer.exe -i -config=LexFloat2.config -pfile=Product2.dat (Note that Product and LexFloat.config is for Floating server 2, not for 1)

<-------Sucessfull until here ---->

LexFloatServer.exe -i -config=LexFloat1.config -pfile=Product1.dat <--------- this failed with “Error: Service is already installed!” message

Please let me know if it is reproduciable over there, and if so, what would be a workaround (or when it will be fixed)


The issue is reproducible. Windows does not allow multiple services with same display names. We are fixing the issue, by providing a command line param to set the display name of the lexfloatserver service.

The fix will be available in v2.5.0

Thanks for checking and fixing the issue.
When will v2.5 be release?

Does that mean none of Cryptlex floating license users are currenly using multiple server on the same machine? I thought it is common usage…

The issue was not reported before, so probably yes.

Next release is scheduled in last week of December.

Got it.

I’m looking for the v 2.5.0 release.