As Floating License Server requires physical machine, there’s a case that user wants to run multiple servers on the same machine.
Because, some customers wants to use following license combination with floating license in their cloud farm:
5 floating licenses of Product A with Feature X
7 floating licenses of Product A with Feature Y
10 floating licenses of Product A with Feature Z
In this case, our customers need to prepare 3 Floating License Servers with 3 physical machines. That would be inconvenient.
What would be a solution for this?
Yes, if version GUID is different you can use different server instances on different ports in the same machine. And each instance will be activated through a a separate product key.
If I do it in following order, then the error happens during registering float server for Product1.
So, I believe that LexFloatServer has a bug when registering multiple services on the same machine. (Likely name or some sort of confliction?)
LexFloatServer.exe -a -config=LexFloat1.config -pfile=Product1.dat -pkey=xxxxx (first license key)
LexFloatServer.exe -a -config=LexFloat2.config -pfile=Product2.dat -pkey=xxxxx (second license key)
LexFloatServer.exe -a -config=LexFloat3.config -pfile=Product3.dat -pkey=xxxxx (third license key)
LexFloatServer.exe -i -config=LexFloat2.config -pfile=Product2.dat (Note that Product and LexFloat.config is for Floating server 2, not for 1)
<-------Sucessfull until here ---->
LexFloatServer.exe -i -config=LexFloat1.config -pfile=Product1.dat <--------- this failed with “Error: Service is already installed!” message
The issue is reproducible. Windows does not allow multiple services with same display names. We are fixing the issue, by providing a command line param to set the display name of the lexfloatserver service.