To support our resellers, we allocate batches of licenses, which are not yet assigned to any user. For these licenses, we use the reseller_id field to associate it to the reseller. When the reseller sells a license, they give the activation code to the customer. When the customer enters the code into our app, it talks back to cryptlex and updates the user_id field on the license.
If the reseller logs in to the customer portal, then the list of licenses shows these; it has both the licenses where the reseller is the user_id, and the licenses where the reseller is the reseller_id. But, its not really clear the state of each license.
In the customer portal, it would be great to easily differentiate between:
Licenses where the logged-in user is the user_id
Licenses where the logged in user is the reseller_id, but there is no user_id (ie. the license has not been sold yet)
Licenses where the logged in user is the reseller_id, and there is a valid user_id (ie. the license has been sold by the reseller)
Ideally the user filter the list of licenses on those 3 states, so they can quickly see what licenses have been sold and what licenses are still unsold/unallocated.
The definition of being sold is not defined in Cryptlex. A license could be sold but not activated yet. You have to add the info yourself through notes (I guess as of now that is the only solution).
We will see if we can come up with a solution. Suggestions are welcomed.
For our use case, there are 3 different ways we want classify the reseller’s licenses.
We can do it just by checking the currently value of the user_id and reseller_id.
if (user_id is not valid)
// here the reseller_id is populated with the reseller's user record
license has not been sold
else if (reseller_id is not valid)
// here user_id is actually populated with the reseller's user record
license is a demo given to the reseller
// here both user_id and reseller_id are valid, but different user records
license has been sold