Questions Regarding LexFloatServer Configuration


I am currently testing On-Premise Floating Licenses.

During this process, I have come across two questions:

  1. Do I need to add the productFilePath when starting LexFloatServer?
  2. I want to run LexFloatServer for two different software applications. Do I need to run separate instances of LexFloatServer for each application?

Thank you.

Hi @jisungeun

Thank you for reaching out!

  1. Yes, ProductFilePath needs to be added when starting LexFloatServer. This can be done in 2 ways. Either you need to embed ProductFilePath in the config.yml file or you can do it via CLI by using the command lexfloatserver -p --product-file-path

  2. Yes, you need to run separate instances of LexFloatServer given that the two different software applications are two distinct products created in Cryptlex. These separate instances can run on the same machine as well.

Thank you!