Offline node-locked license returns error LA_E_INET


I tested the offline activation for node-locked licenses and on the application start after the activation I got the error LA_E_INET “Failed to connect to the server due to network error”.

During the offline activation I used the following functions:


After the activation the application works fine and I don’t get any error in my license callback.

For the offline start I used the following functions:


In the license callback I get the error LA_E_INET “Failed to connect to the server due to network error”. The application really hasn’t access to the Internet.

Am I doing something wrong?

Best regards

Hi Marc,

IsLicenseGenuine() function will always try server sync in the background and notify you about the result in the callback.

Irrespective of whether the license was online activated or offline activated, you can safely ignore the LA_E_INET error code in the callback function, as it simply means server sync failed due to network error, will try again later.

If you don’t want server sync at all, instead of IsLicenseGenuine() you can use IsLicenseValid() function.

So it is save to ignore the LA_E_INET error, even if the application is used with online node-locked or floating licenses?

As the application doesn’t know if it’s offline or online licensed, I don’t want to distinguish between IsLicenseValid() or is IsLicenseGenuine().

It is safe in case of online node-locked licenses as grace period handles the case wherein if sync doesn’t occur within the grace period then IsLicenseGenuine() starts to return LA_GRACE_PERIOD_OVER status code.

In the case of floating licenses, it is a must for the server sync to succeed, otherwise, the license activation would expire and will be deleted from the server. So, in floating licenses when LA_E_INET / LF_E_INET error occurs you would need to request a new license.


Okay, in each case I get a subsequent error, which indicates, that the licensing failed.

Thank you for the swift answer.

Best regards

@adnan-kamili I have a follow-up question.

What does IsLicenseGenuine() return if the license has been deactivated via web portal?

I guess it returns LA_OK to begin with, but then once it syncs with server, it then returns LA_SUSPENDED or LA_TRIAL_EXPIRED?

Hi Francis,

Before server sync it will return LA_OK and after server sync it will return LA_FAIL.