Offline activation

i have used the function GenerateOfflineActivationRequest(); for offline activation, can u tell me where do i get the details which i need to copy paste in the API to download the offline activation file.

i saved the output of GenerateOfflineActivationRequest() in a varible and printed it out. when i copy paste the data in the offline API i am getting database error!
can anyone help me


GenerateOfflineActivationRequest() writes the output to the file path you pass as the argument, then in the dashboard you can paste the contents of data in the offline activation dialog.


i am using the following command, i also have offline.txt created on my desktop,but still file is empty. can u please help

What is the status code returned by the function

the status returns 6

Please check the error reference codes at the bottom of the header file. Error code 6 means:


MESSAGE: Invalid product key.


#define LA_E_PKEY ((HRESULT)0x00000006L)