Hello support.
Some of our customers are experiencing LA_FAIL error code when requesting floating license activation.
Our app is a console application using C# API. We use dotnet publish (linux-x64, self-contained) command to build the application for Linux.
Only on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS on the customer’s PC, when running the Linux version, the following happens:
When activating a floating license, if the license limit has not been reached, an LF_FAIL(1) error occurs.In this case, if you check the server’s Activation Logs page, you will see that the license lease is successful.
If the license limit has been reached, an LF_E_LICENSE_LIMIT_REACHED(49) error occurs.
When activating a user license with the same application, the activation is successful, LF_OK(0) .
- Use proxy, no username and password
- Good internet
- Free floating licenses (5 licenses, 0-1 used)
If we run the same application on our PC, use the proxy, and activate the floating license with the same license key, we get LF_OK(0) success.
The code is as follows.
var productData = @"product-data";
var productId = @"product-id";
var serverUrl = @"proxy-server.address";
var portNum = @"port_numer";
var proxyUserName = "";
var proxyPassword = "";
LexActivator.SetProductId(productId, LexActivator.PermissionFlags.LA_USER);
var proxy = string.Format(@"http://{2}:{3}@{0}:{1}", serverUrl, portNum, proxyUserName, proxyPassword);
var status = LexActivator.ActivateLicense();
// status == 1
Any quick assistance would be appreciated as our customers are stumbling over this issue.
thank you.