Hi andrewnm,
The only dependency in Linux is lpthread and lrt in case you are compiling on an older distro.
Can you specify the exact error.
Exact error is following:
Hi andrewnm,
I created a sample project on Ubuntu 14.04. Added LexActivator.h to the source files. Right clicked the project folder and clicked “Add Library” to add external static lib file in Qt Creator which added following entries to the the .pro file:
unix:!macx: LIBS += -L$$PWD/…/Packages/Linux/LexActivator-Static-Linux/libs/amd64/ -lLexActivator
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/…/Packages/Linux/LexActivator-Static-Linux/libs/amd64
DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/…/Packages/Linux/LexActivator-Static-Linux/libs/amd64
unix:!macx: PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$PWD/…/Packages/Linux/LexActivator-Static-Linux/libs/amd64/libLexActivator.a
The project compiled successfully for Qt4 as well as Qt5 toolkit. No need to add pthread or any other dependency
Just to clarify - did you actually use any LexActivator function in your sample project? If no - compiler can ignore that library and you will really get no errors… For proper test can you please add some LexActivator call(s)?
I did call SetVersionGUID() function
Sometimes in Qt when you update the pro file, you have to close the project, delete the pro.user file and debug and release folders and start again. You can also check following link:
Yeah, I know those qmake issues, but I’m using CMake. But your link was helpful. The problem was in order of libraries passed to linker. In my case libLexActivator.a was added to linking list after pthread… changing of the order (by moving pthread to the end of the list) fixed the issue. Thank you!
Hmm… and what’s about dependencies on Windows? I’m trying to link static library now (MSVC2010), and looks like:
Yes, you need to define LEXACTIVATOR_STATIC.
For static compilation you need to link to libcurl_MD.lib provided with the package.
LexActivator only uses MIT licensed open source libraries so you don’t need to include any acknowledgements.
Hmm… ok. Also I suppose system Winhttp.dll should be linked as well, right? I’ve got unresolved symbol from that library on linking stage.
Following is the list of AdditionalDependencies which you need to add:
Ok, thanks!
I hope the issue is resolved
Yes, I think so. I’ve got it working on all three platforms.