Java and eclipse Sample project


I am trying to use your sample in eclipse without success.

I get this error:
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library ‘D:\workspace\Licensing\lexactivator\win32-x86\LexActivator.dll’: Native library (win32-x86/D:\workspace\Licensing\lexactivator\win32-x86\LexActivator.dll) not found in resource path ([file:/D:/workspace/Licensing/bin/, file:/D:/R&D/Licensing/LexActivator-Win/API/Java/jna.jar])

If your can help me would be great, or maybe you can provide an eclipse project that I can copy or extend.

Best regards.


Did you copy the LexActivator.dll in the “lexactivator\win32-x86” folder?


Yes, actually I tried with x86 and x64, beucase I did not know if was a problem with the architecture.

Probably there is something missing in the eclipse project properties.

Any idea?

Best Regards.

Another thing I found weird was this path:

Native library (win32-x86/D:\workspace\Licensing\lexactivator\win32-x86\LexActivator.dll)

looks like is not concatenating the path properly.


The sample project is actually a NetBeans project and works fine. Eclipse seems to look for the file in “D:/workspace/Licensing/bin/”, did you try putting the dll in that location.

Which OS are you using, maybe you are missing the VS2010 runtime which is needed in case your OS is Vista or XP. Also ensure arch of JVM and lexactivator.dll is same.

Hi again,

my mistake I added the lexactivator source code as reference to the source folder, adding the classes normally with eclipse, works just fine.

Best Regards.

Great support btw.