For user’s convenience, before uninstalling Floating Server (we created our own installer for user’s convenience), I’d like to show warning if Floating Server is activated.
Is there any way to know if the Floating Server is activated? Or, we should treat if the service is running, it is already activated?
Also, what will happen if there’re 2 activation keys, and do following:
LexFloatServer -a -pkey=(first key)
LexFloatServer -a -pkey=(second key)
In this case, the first key will be deactivated automatically before the second key is activated?
Please let me know.
Is there any way to know if the Floating Server is activated? Or, we should treat if the service is running, it is already activated?
Whether the service is running or uninstalled Lexfloatserver can still be activated. To be on a safer side you can always deactivate before activating the server.
LexFloatServer -d
LexFloatServer -a -pkey=(first key)
LexFloatServer -d
LexFloatServer -a -pkey=(second key)
Before deactivating make sure you have uninstalled the server. so it can even be:
Got it… do you guys have a document telling such best practice somewhere in Cryptlex site?
That would be a important information which everyone should know.
Actually, your suggested way does not work perfectly.
Because. if always deactivating before activating, means it will always consume one deactivation count even if user just wants to re-activate (activate again without deactivation) to make server sync happens right away. Deactivation count is important to control how many times user can move to another machine.
If I can obtain currently activated Product Key, I can avoid deactivation in case of reactivation, but current LexFloatServer API set does not allow to do so…
Can you add GetProductKey method to LexFloatServer as well?