Integrating offline activacion: error code 10 -

Good morning,

I am attempting to integrate offline activation into our product, whenever I make the call to ActivateProductOffline()
it fails with the error code 10.

First, load SetVersioGUID with the correct ID, and next attemtp to ActivateProductOffline with the correct path. See the code below:

int status = SetVersionGUID(L"----- GUID -----", LA_USER);
if (LA_OK != status) {
printf(“Error code %d”, status);
} else {
status = ActivateProductOffline(L"F:\SOFTWARE\test");
printf(“Error code activated %d”, status);

The output of this code is “Error code activaded 10”

In path F:\SOFTWARE\test\ is the file CryptLex_OfflineActResp.dat created in the online dashboard

Any idea about a error code 10 in this case?
Error code 10 is: Invalid offline activation response file.
I try to create this file three times. Everything remaing similar, also the error is the same.

Best Regards


You need to provide the complete path of the file, you are just providing the directory path. Lexactivator doesn’t make ant assumption for the file names.
