Integrate Android LexActivator into Unity project


We’re trying to develop a new application on android with Unity, and we would like using LexActivator as for our other products but we meet some issues to integrate and use it.

Do you have any advice or how-to integrate and connect to your service (how correctly using the .AAR for example) ?


For detail, I add your .aar into my Project (into Assets/Plugins/Android folder) and when I want set my product data, I receive following exception :

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lcom/sun/jna/Library;

I precise the link with LexActivator.aar seems correct, because when I call a method which doesn’t exist for example, I’ll get an exception java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: no static method with name='WrongNameFunction'

Any idea to resolve my problem ?

Hi @quadrica

Thank you for reaching out!

You only need to add the JNA dependency to make the app using the AAR package run.

Thank you!