How to retrieve the Field Value using your GetCustomLicenseField() function

I have setup a Custom Field as follows:



I’m struggling on how to retrieve the Field Value using your GetCustomLicenseField() function.

status = Cryptlex.LexActivator.GetCustomLicenseField(“License Type”, ?, ?)

Using vb

As you can see in the LexActivator.vb file, the signature for the function is:

        Public Shared Function GetCustomLicenseField(fieldId As String, fieldValue As StringBuilder, length As Integer) As Integer

In your case fieldId is "300", create a stringbuilder instance

``` Dim builder As New StringBuilder

status = Cryptlex.LexActivator.GetCustomLicenseField(“300”, builder, 256)

' Get internal String value from StringBuilder.
Dim str As String = builder.ToString

Console.WriteLine(str) ```