Is there any way to know how many floating license is leased, and by whom - either via API or with special tool?
Because, when user tries to launch our app, and all floating licenses are leased, they want to know who is eating up all licenses.
So, they can unlease unnecessary clients to free up for urgent/high prioritized clients.
How can I achieve such workflow? If there’s no such feature, is that possible for you guys to expose it via API?
As for API, also it would be nice to have a method to know how many licenses can be leased from the LexFloatingServer. Because we’re thinking to use floating license for automated case - launch a task from program if slot (floating license) is still available - so we need to know if free slots are available via API.
Do you mean the expiration date of the floating license server key or the license leased by LexFloat Server
"the expiration date of the floating license server key "
Because, it requires some actions by our customers (to renew/extend license) so they want to know when it will happen before it happens.
“LeasedAt” date/time info is NOT local-time based, it is UTC based, correct? (because, API caller will never know server machine’s local time settings)
It is time at which the lease was granted and not refreshed.
Got it. It is good to know when the lease was granted.
But also, in case of Zombie License happens, it would be nice to know when the current lease will end, I think.
Also, it would be nice to know when Grace Period is started (or when it will end)
So we can detect if the Floating Server got into a problem before Grace Period ends. (In case of the Floating Server is disconnected from Internet and no one noticed)
I downloaded v2.4.0 from following page, but LexFloatClient nor LexFloatServer does not seem to include new API…
(I checked windows version)
Is it possible to double check if v2.4.0 is the one including new API? Or if I missed something, please point out which API I supposed to use to get that information.