How to get lex lib version number?

We are using Lex in Windows & Mac. As far as I remember we updated lib’s few months back but Now I wanted to know exact version of dll’s and dylib (basically running lex version) so let me know how can I get that. I don’t see in C# and .h file it anywhere?

Okay I got on Mac using command as - otool -L libLexActivator.dylib and it’s 2.7.0
@rpath/libLexActivator.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 2.7.0)

Will check on windows later today.

Any idea for windows? LexActivator.dll properties does not show anything about version.

Hi, you are using an older version of library, the newer versions have the version embedded and can be seen through properties.

Can you help to know possible version of dll that has date as “23-01-2016”?

It’s a very old version, it’s better you upgrade to the latest version, lot of updates and bug fixes have occurred since then.