I have a client who has activated his license on 2 computers, but GetLicenseTotalActivations on his machine returns 3.
If I log into the portal and check the license activations, I see only 2. I have asked the client to force a “resynch” by calling ActivateLicense from the client again, which he has done, and I can see in the portal that his activation was last synched only minutes ago. But still, even after activating/resynching again, GetLicenseTotalActivations still returns 3.
Is there any reason why the “activation count” in the activation data stored locally on his machine would not be updated following a successful call to ActivateLicense?
PS: The second machine correctly shows the total activations as 2. It’s just the one machine where it shows 3. I have asked him to deactivate and reactivate on that machine - same problem.