Does LexFloat.config need to be kept after activation is done?

For LexFloatServer.exe, once it is activated and registered with LexFloat.config, does LexFloat.config still need to be kept there?

Since LexFloat.config includes sensitive information such as Server Check period, or grace period, ideally the file should only be used during registering the server and hide it from users.

Do I need to keep the file even after activation is done? What is the recommended way to avoid the file is being modified by users?

LexFloat.config is needed at the time of activation as well as running the server.

Since LexFloat.config includes sensitive information such as Server Check period, or grace period, ideally the file should only be used during registering the server and hide it from users.

The server check frequency and grace period settings in the config are planned to be deprecated. Instead they will be available as command line options, so you don’t need to care about config modification by your customers.

The command line arguments are planned for v2.5.0, and will be available soon.

Got it. Thank you!