I’ve been able to successfully generate product keys, however they all show up as Activations 0/1 and there are no activations on the dashboard. Am I missing some other call? I’m using the web api and don’t see anything for how to actually activate the key that has been generated.
In order to activate the key you need to integrate LexActivator library in your app:
After your customer activates the key from your app the activation will show up in the dashboard along with extra data (if set), location, date of activation etc.
So I can generate a key with the web api, but I have to include an external library to activate it? Seems like you should be able to everything with either method, but ok.
Cryptlex provides node locked licensing. The web api required to activate the key is not public. For node locked licensing the client library generates the fingerprint of your customers machine and and sends it to our servers along with other encrypted data. So you can’t invoke the activation API directly, you need to LexActivator client library.