Clear newtowk proxy


I can not clear the previously set proxy address.
How do I clear proxy setting for online activate?


You can call DeactivateProduct () function, it clears up the proxy.

I doesn’t get LA_OK from ActivateProduct() function.
However, Can I call DeactivateProduct() function?

I have one more question.

In the following final step, ProductAcivate () will return LexActivater.LA_FAIL after completing the following steps:

  1. Call SetNetworkProxy () to set the proxy server that requires user authentication
  2. Call ProductActivate ()
  3. Call DeactivateProduct ()
  4. Set up a proxy server that does not require user authentication with IE
  5. Call ProductActivate ()

I cleared the proxy settings by calling DeactivateProduct () in Step 3.
Why can not I activate?

The library automatically picks up the system proxy by default. Are you sure no system proxy is set.

I’m sorry.
I will write it again.

We have two proxy server, and we need to switch on the location.
ProxyServer-A : No user authentication required
ProxyServer-B : User authentication required

We ran the following steps:
0. Set proxy information of ProxyServer-A to IE(Set proxy setting when ActivateProduct() without calling SerNetworkProxy())

  1. Call SetNetworkProxy() and set proxy information of ProxyServer-B(without user authentication)
  2. Call ProductActivate()
    -> failed activation(by proxy user authentication)
  3. Call DeactivateProduct()
    -> clear proxy
  4. Call ProductActivate() without calling SetNetworkProxy()

The tool became the following result:
· In Step 4, connected to ProxyServer-B
I expected to automatically acquire the IE setting (connect to ProxyServer - A) int Step 4, because The proxy setting was cleared at Step 3, but it did not happen.
· LA_FAIL is returned when user authentication of proxy server fails
We expect that LA_E_INET will be returned if user authentication of the proxy server fails

Why can you tell me how to apply IE settings in Step 4?

If DeactivateProduct() fails it may not clear the proxy.

This is an issue and we will add support for clearing the proxy by passing empty string to the SetNetworkProxy() function.

This is an issue and we will add support for clearing the proxy by passing empty string to the SetNetworkProxy() function.
Please, Thanks!

When could you complete it?

We will provide it by next week.