Is there a way to override the grace period and server sync settings predefined in the licence locally in the application, as with the previous version, when performing an offline activation?
Hi Vil,
You will need to request your customer for a new offline activation request and repeat the process of offline activation.
This cannot be changed locally as of now.
You can also add a check in your app, to ignore grace period over status in case of offline activations.
Has the ability to disable grace period and server sync locally on a machine been reintroduced yet as with the previous version for offline activations.
SetDayIntervalForServerCheck(uint dayInterval) and
SetGracePeriodForNetworkError(uint gracePeriod)
Server sync and grace period are server side properties, you should disable them server side by setting the value to zero.
Update the license server side, regenerate the offline response and reactivate the client.
Alternatively, you can consider LA_GRACE_PERIOD status code as a success code for offline acrivations.